Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Solavei WOW!

It has been a while since I have posted here. Solavei is just amazing, the $1000/mo mark is set so low, that most people are hitting it within 90 days or less. Think about it, what would $1000/mo do for you and/or your family, but more than that $1000/mo = $12,000/yr, now how much would that help? Everyone uses cell phones now days, why should we all keep paying the big business? With Solavei we are helping each other to be able to pay for food, cloths and things that everyone needs, instead of just giving our money to big business and who knows where it goes from there. With Solavei we are not asking people to spend money on something they don't already pay for, we are simply asking can we help you save some money and make that extra you might need for food, mortgage or even a vacation you want to take? If you want to know more check out

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